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Average Climate & Precipitation
Home / Destinations / Asia / Japan
General information about the region
Tokyo. Japan
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average High 49.3 50.7 56.5 66.2 73.2 77.9 84.6 87.4 80.4 70.7 61.3 53.4
Average Low 33.6 35.1 39.9 48.9 57.2 64.4 71.2 73.4 67.5 57.6 46.9 38.3
Average Rainfall 2.059 2.209 4.626 4.902 5.425 6.602 6.043 6.622 8.264 7.787 3.642 2.008
* Degrees are in Fahrenheit. Rainfall are in inches.
Time zone
Health requirements
Japanese Yen
$1.00 USD = ¥123.30 JPY
Visa requirement
Nikko. Japan
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average High 30.9 31.1 37 49.6 58.5 63.1 70 72.3 64.6 54.9 46.4 36.9
Average Low 16.9 17.2 21.7 31.8 40.5 49.5 57.2 59.2 52.2 40.1 31.3 22.6
Average Rainfall 1.886 2.685 3.717 5.965 6.579 9.657 9.835 15.047 13.252 7.256 4.012 1.787
* Degrees are in Fahrenheit. Rainfall are in inches.
Time zone
Health requirements
Japanese Yen
$1.00 USD = ¥123.30 JPY
Visa requirement
Hakone. Japan
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average High 51 52 57 65 70 75 81 84 79 71 64 56
Average Low 38 38 42 50 57 64 71 73 69 60 51 42
Average Rainfall 6 6 9.7 9.5 10.4 13.3 10.6 8.4 12.9 14.1 8.3 3.8
* Degrees are in Fahrenheit. Rainfall are in inches.
Time zone
Health requirements
Japanese Yen
$1.00 USD = ¥123.30 JPY
Visa requirement
Kyoto. Japan
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average High 48 49.5 56.1 67.8 76.3 82 88.7 91.9 83.8 73.2 62.6 52.9
Average Low 34.2 34.5 39.2 48.2 57.2 65.8 73.8 75.7 68.5 56.5 46 37.8
Average Rainfall 1.98 2.689 4.461 4.555 6.331 8.425 8.677 5.201 6.937 4.76 2.807 1.89
* Degrees are in Fahrenheit. Rainfall are in inches.
Time zone
Health requirements
Japanese Yen
$1.00 USD = ¥123.30 JPY
Visa requirement
Osaka. Japan
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average High 49.1 50.4 56.7 67.8 76.1 82 88.9 92.1 84.7 73.9 63.7 54.1
Average Low 37 37.2 42.1 51.3 60.1 68 75.7 77.7 71.1 59.9 49.8 41.2
Average Rainfall 1.787 2.429 4.102 4.087 5.728 7.264 6.181 3.579 6.327 4.421 2.728 1.724
* Degrees are in Fahrenheit. Rainfall are in inches.
Time zone
Health requirements
Japanese Yen
$1.00 USD = ¥123.30 JPY
Visa requirement
Nara. Japan
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average High 47.7 49.3 56.1 67.6 75.4 81 87.4 90.7 82.8 72 61.7 52.5
Average Low 31.6 31.8 36.1 45.3 54.5 63.5 71.2 72.7 65.8 53.8 43.5 35.4
Average Rainfall 1.953 2.492 4.063 3.846 5.65 7.433 6.5 4.402 6.429 4.374 2.811 1.862
* Degrees are in Fahrenheit. Rainfall are in inches.
Time zone
Health requirements
Japanese Yen
$1.00 USD = ¥123.30 JPY
Visa requirement
Hiroshima. Japan
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average High 49.5 51.1 57.2 67.5 75.4 81 87.4 90.5 84.2 74.1 63.3 54.1
Average Low 35.1 35.8 40.6 49.8 58.5 66.9 74.8 76.6 69.4 57.6 47.3 38.7
Average Rainfall 1.756 2.622 4.878 5.579 6.992 9.724 10.181 4.362 6.673 3.461 2.685 1.622
* Degrees are in Fahrenheit. Rainfall are in inches.
Time zone
Health requirements
Japanese Yen
$1.00 USD = ¥123.30 JPY
Visa requirement
Yokohama. Japan
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average High 49.6 49.8 54.9 64.8 72.3 76.5 83.1 86.5 79.5 70.2 61.9 54
Average Low 17.2 19.8 23.7 31.1 38.5 48.6 55.9 59.9 52.2 36 27.7 21.9
Average Rainfall 2.185 2.89 5.276 5.87 5.437 7.575 6.654 5.839 9.15 7.28 4.268 1.701
* Degrees are in Fahrenheit. Rainfall are in inches.
Time zone
Health requirements
Japanese Yen
$1.00 USD = ¥123.30 JPY
Visa requirement
Nagoya. Japan
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average High 48.2 50.2 57 67.8 75.4 81 87.4 91 83.5 73 62.6 52.9
Average Low 13.5 14.9 19.8 19.8 37 46.8 57.2 57.9 49.1 34.7 27.1 19
Average Rainfall 1.906 2.583 4.795 4.913 6.161 7.913 8.016 4.972 9.228 5.051 3.138 1.772
* Degrees are in Fahrenheit. Rainfall are in inches.
Time zone
Health requirements
Japanese Yen
$1.00 USD = ¥123.30 JPY
Visa requirement
Ise. Japan
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average High 49 50 56 65 73 79 87 89 82 73 63 54
Average Low 35 35 40 49 59 67 74 76 70 59 48 39
Average Rainfall 1.9 2.1 4 4.8 7.4 7.7 6.3 4.8 10.9 6.3 3.1 1.8
* Degrees are in Fahrenheit. Rainfall are in inches.
Time zone
Health requirements
Japanese Yen
$1.00 USD = ¥123.30 JPY
Visa requirement
Toba. Japan
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average High 49 50 56 65 73 79 87 89 82 73 63 54
Average Low 35 35 40 49 59 67 74 76 70 59 48 39
Average Rainfall 1.9 2.1 4 4.8 7.4 7.7 6.3 4.8 10.9 6.3 3.1 1.8
* Degrees are in Fahrenheit. Rainfall are in inches.
Time zone
Health requirements
Japanese Yen
$1.00 USD = ¥123.30 JPY
Visa requirement
Takayama. Japan
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average High 37.4 39.6 48.4 62.4 72.1 78.3 84.2 87.3 78.1 66.6 54.9 43.2
Average Low 22.8 22.6 28.4 37.8 48.2 58.3 66 67.5 60.3 47.3 36.3 28.2
Average Rainfall 3.827 3.913 4.839 4.681 5.39 6.776 9.091 6.5 9.272 5.256 3.909 3.457
* Degrees are in Fahrenheit. Rainfall are in inches.
Time zone
Health requirements
Japanese Yen
$1.00 USD = ¥123.30 JPY
Visa requirement
Shirakawago. Japan
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average High 37.2 38.3 46 60.1 70.5 76.5 82.2 85.3 76.6 66 54.9 42.8
Average Low 23.5 22.6 27.5 36.9 46.9 56.8 64.6 66.2 59 46.8 36.1 28.4
Average Rainfall 10.831 8.398 7.677 5.634 5.508 8.012 11.039 6.5 8.783 5.839 7.894 9.835
* Degrees are in Fahrenheit. Rainfall are in inches.
Time zone
Health requirements
Japanese Yen
$1.00 USD = ¥123.30 JPY
Visa requirement
Kanazawa. Japan
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average High 44.2 45.1 51.8 62.4 70.9 77 83.8 87.6 79.9 70.3 59.9 50.4
Average Low 33.6 33.3 37.4 46.8 55.6 64.4 72.1 74.7 67.1 55.9 45.9 38.1
Average Rainfall 10.614 6.768 6.268 5.39 6.11 7.287 9.13 5.48 8.878 6.984 10.429 11.106
* Degrees are in Fahrenheit. Rainfall are in inches.
Time zone
Health requirements
Japanese Yen
$1.00 USD = ¥123.30 JPY
Visa requirement
Kamakura. Japan
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average High 52 52 57 65 71 76 82 86 81 72 65 56
Average Low 39 39 44 53 60 67 73 75 70 61 52 43
Average Rainfall 0.4 0 0 0.1 0 0.1 0.6 0 0 0 0 0
* Degrees are in Fahrenheit. Rainfall are in inches.
Time zone
Health requirements
Japanese Yen
$1.00 USD = ¥123.30 JPY
Visa requirement
Mt. Fuji. Japan
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average High 3.7 5.5 12.4 21.7 30.6 38.5 45.5 48.7 43 31.8 20.5 10
Average Low -7.1 -6.7 0 10.2 20.3 29.1 36.3 38.5 32.7 21.6 10 -0.9
Average Rainfall 0.83 0.67 0.55 0.35 0.35 0.31 0.31 0.39 0.47 0.59 0.75 0.87
* Degrees are in Fahrenheit. Rainfall are in inches.
Time zone
Health requirements
Japanese Yen
$1.00 USD = ¥123.30 JPY
Visa requirement
Singapore. Singapore
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average High 86.2 88.2 88.9 89.1 88.9 88.3 87.6 87.6 87.6 88 87.1 86
Average Low 73.9 74.5 75 75.9 76.6 76.6 76.3 76.1 75.6 75.4 74.7 74.3
Average Rainfall 9.575 6.295 7.311 7.043 6.744 6.382 6.248 6.906 6.661 7.63 10.114 11.315
* Degrees are in Fahrenheit. Rainfall are in inches.
Time zone
Health requirements
Singapore Dollar
$1.00 USD = $1.36 SGD
Visa requirement
Bangkok. Thailand
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average High 90.5 91.9 93.7 95.7 93.9 92.5 91.8 91.2 91 90.7 90.3 89.1
Average Low 72.7 75.9 78.6 80.4 79.3 79 78.3 77.9 77 76.6 75 71.6
Average Rainfall 0.524 0.787 1.657 3.598 9.752 6.185 6.894 8.634 13.161 11.5 1.949 0.248
* Degrees are in Fahrenheit. Rainfall are in inches.
Time zone
Health requirements
Thai Baht
$1.00 USD = 34.05 THB
Visa requirement
Yes Apply
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Browse our unique and specially developed Japan Tours from the links right below. Our Japan vacations include Airfare (unless otherwise noted), airport transfers, hotel accommodations, and custom designed touring across each itinerary. You can also customize your tour with optional tours, transfers and fun activities to add even more value to your tour when you're ready to travel to Japan. If you have any questions or need help please feel free to speak to one of our travel agents who are happy to answer your questions or help plan your Japan tour.

From $5,290
10 days/8 nights
Take an 8-night trip and embark on a journey to the historically significant sites of Japan. Start your trip in Tokyo with a half-day tour that includes the Imperial Palace and the Tokyo Tower. The next day, take a scenic drive up the slope of Mt. Fuji, en route to Lake Ashi and a ropeway ride up to the highest peak in Hakone. The following morning take a bullet train to Kanazawa and stroll through the beautiful Kenrokuen Garden. Next, take a scenic route to Takayama, with an elevated view of the thatch-roofed villages of Shirakawago, a World Heritage site. Travel to Kyoto, Japan’s ancient capital, where a full-day tour includes the Golden Pavilion and the historic castle of Nijo. Return to Tokyo for one more night before flying back to the US. Starting from $5,290, including air, with guaranteed weekly departures.
From $4,085
7 days/5 nights
Take a 5-night trip and visit major sightseeing locations in Japan, such as Tokyo, Mt. Fuji, Kyoto, and Nara. Begin your trip with a two-night stay in Tokyo. A half-day Tokyo tour includes the Imperial Palace and the Tokyo Tower. The next day, take a scenic drive up the slope of Mt. Fuji, en route to Lake Ashi and a ropeway ride up to the highest peak in Hakone. Later in the day, travel by bullet train to Kyoto, Japan’s ancient capital, and check into your hotel. The next morning, begin a full-day tour that includes the Golden Pavilion, the historic castle of Nijo, and the ancient capital of Nara. The following day, return to Tokyo by bullet train for one more night before flying back to the US. Hotels are deluxe. Starting from $4,085 including air, with guaranteed weekly departures.
From $7,475
15 days/13 nights
Embark on a 13-night trip to Japan, starting in Tokyo. Begin with a half-day tour that includes the Imperial Palace and the Tokyo Tower. The next day take an excursion to Nikko that includes Kanmangafuchi Abyss, where you see the mystical Jizo statues. After a day exploring Tokyo on your own, take a scenic drive up the slope of Mt. Fuji, en route to Lake Ashi, followed by a ropeway ride up to the highest peak in Hakone. Return to Tokyo for a day at leisure. Next, travel to picturesque Kanazawa and to Takayama, which is rich in cultural heritage, for tours and a two-night Kanazawa stay. The next day, travel by train to Kyoto, where a full-day tour includes the Golden Pavilion and the historic castle of Nijo. Visit the ancient capital of Nara, including Todaiji Temple and Nara Park. Travel by bullet train to Hiroshima and visit the Hiroshima Peace Memorial. Return to Tokyo for a night before flying back to the US. Hotels are deluxe. Starting from $7,475, including air, with weekly guaranteed departures.
From $5,475
10 days/8 nights
Travel to Japan for an 8-night trip and visit its modern and ancient capitals. Start in Tokyo, where your tour includes the Imperial Palace Plaza and Tokyo Tower. A full-day Nikko excursion includes Kanmangafuchi Abyss, where you see the mystical Jizo statues and the botanical garden. The next day, take a scenic drive up the slope of Mt. Fuji, en route to Lake Ashi, followed by a ropeway ride up to the highest peak in Hakone. After a night at a hotel in the Odawara area, hop on a bullet train to Kyoto for a three-night stay. An afternoon tour includes the World Heritage Site of Kiyomizu-dera Temple. A full-day tour features the historic castle of Nijo, the Imperial Palace, and the ancient capital of Nara. Travel to Hiroshima by bullet train and visit the Itsukushima Shrine and Hiroshima Peace Memorial. returning to Kyoto by bullet train for a night. The next morning, return to Tokyo for a night before flying back to the US. Hotels are deluxe. Starting from $5,475, including air, with weekly guaranteed departures.
From $4,045
7 days/5 nights
Take a 5-night trip and visit major sightseeing locations in Japan, such as Tokyo, Mt. Fuji, Kyoto, and Nara. Begin your trip with a two-night stay in Tokyo. A half-day Tokyo tour includes the Imperial Palace and the Tokyo Tower. The next day, take a scenic drive up the slope of Mt. Fuji, en route to Lake Ashi and a ropeway ride up to the highest peak in Hakone. Later in the day, travel by bullet train to Kyoto, Japan’s ancient capital, and check into your hotel. The next morning, begin a full-day tour that includes the Golden Pavilion, the historic castle of Nijo, and the ancient capital of Nara. The following day, return to Tokyo by bullet train for one more night before flying back to the US. Hotels are first class. Starting from $4,045 including air, with guaranteed weekly departures.
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