Dos Palmos Island - Palawan

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Dos Palmos Island - Palawan

First Class
Dos Palmas Island Resort and Spa is nestled in the tropical waters of Honda Bay, northeast from Puerto Princesa City of the Philippine province of Palawan.

This 20-hectare private island getaway is your ultimate island paradise, set amidst pristine natural surroundings, white sandy beaches and clear turquoise blue waters. The island itself is blessed with a rich marine ecosystem with hectares of mangrove forest on the south, hectares of sea grass beds throughout and kilometers of beautiful coral reefs surrounding the island. Now considered as home to more than 300 species of reef fishes, corals, mollusks and crustaceans, at least 95 species of migratory and non-migratory birds and a nesting site and feeding ground for three species of sea turtles.

An enchanting retreat from urban living for some fun and relaxation… all in a quintessential Dos Palmas experience.

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